I'll miss that cheery phone call, "Wotcher mate!". Tales of the latest latest restoration, looking forward to out next old moped run or visit to Mallory. I first met Bev at an EACC Stowmarket run in 1986, I'd got a Berini cyclemotor in the back of my car and Bev came up as I was wrestling it from the boot, he said, "Want a hand mate?". There started an enduring friendship, Bev introduced me to the British Two Stroke Club, we rode together along with other silly old fools on many a run in Britain and Belgium. When I spent a long time in hospital with my dodgy ticker in the mid 2000s Bev kept in regular touch with my wife Billie, she found his support a real help. I'm so sad we shan't enjoy a summers day bumbling along at 20mph on decrepit mopeds, enjoying the smells and sights of the countryside and smelly two strokes, stopping in a country pub for a shandy to sit and talk inconsequential stuff. Stay safe on the last journey mate.
19th January 2021