Linda 14th February 2021

Dearest Bev. Never thought I would say this but I really do miss you telling me about this bike, or that bike or what the next project was in the garage/sheds! After 26 years of marriage playing second fiddle to such bikes and projects I thought I would enjoy the peace (Jim had never been on a motorbike in his life!) but then I have listened to it again for the last 25 years and I miss it. Just your enthusiasm for your subject made me listen and enjoy and wonder at your ability and skill to build something from nothing into a fully functioning motorbike or kit car. I miss the phone ringing daily and my Jim picking up and saying 'Linda's answering service' and then me listening to the wonderful banter between you two, the laughter and the quips before the phone was finally handed to me for you to say 'just checking in love'. And after the immediate 'have you heard from the boys' we were back into the ongoing projects again! And even during your fight we still managed these conversations only they were about what you would be doing once better and your fingers stopped tingling!! I am so sorry you never got to those projects, we all believed you would as none of us could imagine a life where you weren't in it but then again, you always will be here with us, sitting on our shoulders and guiding us all through what remains for us. Hope your fingertips have stopped tingling now and you can get on and do what you love best. Miss you xxxxx